shattered glass

I’ve been wondering for a while what it is I am supposed to do on this earth. The conclusion I’ve come to, is that the answer to that is ever evolving, ever-changing, and so there is no point to which I can direct my steering. What I can do, however, is share what I feel, what I see, what I find about life in the journeys I take, the paths I cross, the waters I swim. I can share my experiences because if I can’t learn from them, maybe someone else can.

I’m journeying into a new unknown. Uprooting my life again and trying something else on. I’ve been trying to figure out what I need to be but all that is doing is making me unaware of what I need to feel.

I feel scared. Fearful of what chances I won’t take. Fearful of the chances I will take. Scared of letting go of what I’ve known for so long and trying to allow it to be something else. Surrendering to the chaos of the unbroken.

How can you live if you feel that you are meant to shatter?

Maybe the shattering is the beginning of something new. Split glass shows a different scenery than a mirror. Different perspectives, different views, different reflections.

Maybe in the shattered glass I can see myself whole again.

2 Replies to “shattered glass”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Asha. Really well done! Change can be difficult but exciting. I wish you much happiness in your new journey. I hope you continue to write and make new lyrics too. You do a spectacular job at it. Lots of love!

  2. Asha once again your writing has touched my heart and soul ~ beautifully written and profound. We all need to embrace shattered glass as an opportunity for growth.

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